
One Health Workshop:

From Prevention to Response and Control Strategies for Emerging Zoonotic Diseases, on October 21st and 22nd, 2022.

This workshop aimed to create the first forum for discussion, bringing together key stakeholders (representatives from the federal government, Yucatán and Campeche states, regional representatives, WHO, Rockefeller Foundation, EcoHealth Alliance, representatives from the health, education, and agriculture departments of the states, academics, researchers from the University of Glasgow, and political and academic representatives from Haiti, Guatemala, and Costa Rica) with the goal of co-constructing an integrated strategy for the prevention and response to zoonotic diseases through sustainable socio-economic management.

Participants had the opportunity to listen to a message from Juliette Binoche, who honored the LMI-ELDORADO by accepting to become the patron of the laboratory. During this workshop, the ‘Declaration of Mérida’ was read, allowing each participant to recognize the health issues associated with human activities and commit to participating in the development of solutions.